Thursday, July 07, 2005

London bombings

This morning, in London, several exploaions occured in Underground stations and one of the famous double-decker buses had it top half blown off. As of the current time (6pm PST), there are 38 confirmed dead, and over 700 injured some of them seriously.

What gets to me is that this was no accident, no equipment malfunction. Someone or a group of someones did it on purpose, will full intent of killing strangers. This is what I honest to God don't understand. How is it possible to hate someone you've never even met so much that you want them dead?

Sorry to jump on my pseudo-feminist highhorse again, but if women ran the world we would never ever ever slaughter the innocent to make some half-assed and sociopathic political statement. Only men do that, men with a certain agenda.

This is my blog so I can say whatever I want to. Right now I'm saying there is only one God. Wehther you call upon the Creator, Yaweh, Allah, Budda, Vishu or God, it is one and the same and I don't believe She ever intended for her people- all people- to kill in her name.


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