Saturday, June 04, 2005

Store traffic

It's Saturday, so I went grocery shopping. I hate shopping. I just want to walk in, buy exactly what I came for and get the hell out. All I needed was fresh parsley, ripe peaches, a pound of Tilapia from the seafood counter and some arborio rice. That's it. That's all. Could it be that easy? No, of course not.

But I was trapped in store for half an hour while people crept along in front of me and plodded behind me and cut me off at every aisle intersection. They walked in the middle of the aisles, or stopped moving without warning and refused to get out of the way, totally oblivious to the fact the some of us wanted to Return to Our Lives.

If these mouth-breathing morons drive their cars the same way they operate shopping carts, I'm stunned that the highways aren't littered with more carcasses.

Steele, who is no longer in any damned mood to cook


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