Monday, March 06, 2006

Going 'round in circles

Okay, so basically, I have no idea what's going on.

First my release date was Sept 2006, then it was moved back to March 2007. Now I'm told it's August 2007 but wait because my editor was told it's actually January 2007.

The only thing I know for reasonable certainty is that the book will be published.


I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

My second review!

I just got the other advance review for the inside cover of ANOTHER SIDE OF MIDNIGHT:

"I've been a fan of Mia Zachary's since her very first book so I was thrilled and delighted to be asked to read her new romantic suspense. I'm happy to report it is everything I look for in an exciting read!"

"Mystery and a sizzle that won't quit are a combination I crave when reading romantic suspense and Mia Zachary delivers to the max! Another Side of Midnight is definitely a keeper!" - Kathy Boswell, The Best Reviews

Cool, huh?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Breaking the silence

Yeah, yeah, I know. It's been a while. But, I've been busy. What can I say?

This! : Here's the first advance review for ANOTHER SIDE OF MIDNIGHT

Mia Zachary becomes a force to contend with in her first foray into romantic mystery. With some interesting plot twists, Another Side of Midnight grabs you right from the very beginning and keeps you until the end.

Born and raised in Las Vegas, Steele Mezzanotte has been running the P.I. agency she inherited from her aunt with a fair degree of success. She also moonlights as a bartender at her family’s restaurant. Steele is excellently developed. She is sassy and strong, beautiful and smart but she also has the hint of vulnerability underneath.

Put Steele and Stone together and you get explosive chemistry. With the attraction between them still irresistible, Steele quickly realizes she needs her wits about her if she is to survive with her life and her heart intact.

The plot is well developed and has a few twists in it that should surprise the reader. Mia Zachary has turned in a first-rate novel with Another Side of Midnight.”

– reviewed by Debby Guyette for CataRomance Reviews

Friday, January 13, 2006

New Release Date!

I have it on good authority that I will be coming to a bookshelf near you... next March.
No, not this March.
March 2007.
Hey, be happy I'm coming to you at all.
My creator is.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A nice surprise

Okay, I still don't know when or how my story is going to be released but when I find out my creator will have another wonderful quote to inspire you to go out and buy a copy.

Awesome lady and USA Today bestselling author Julie Kenner said, "Mia Zachary has a winner with Another Side of Midnight! With a wonderfully defined heroine, snappy dialogue and an intricate plot, what’s not to love?The story is great! I love Steele!"

Love you, too, Jules.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Harlequin Enterprises, the publisher that created the Signature Spotlight imprint, announced today that they are killing the whole Signature line as of July 2006.

ANOTHER SIDE OF MIDNIGHT was supposed to come out in September.

I'm about half-way through a bottle of Bella Sera pinot grigio and feeling less pain than I was two hours ago, but I'm still pretty bummed. My Creator has to wait until tomorrow to contact her editor and find out what's going to happen to me.

In the meantime, I'll just finish this bottle and hope for the best.

Monday, November 28, 2005

And I quote:

I love movies. I spend a lot of my free time rewatching old favorites and discovering new ones.

The American Film Institute has compiled a list of the 100 Greatest Movie Quotes. AFI distributed a ballot with 400 nominated movie quotes to a jury of over 1,500 leaders from the creative community, including film artists (directors, screenwriters, actors, editors, cinematographers), critics and historians. Jurors were asked to consider not only the legacy of the statement [the memory of the movie scene evoked by hearing the words] but also the cultural impact of the phrase [how the words have been circulated and used in everyday life until they become part of the national lexicon].

I found it interesting how many of the quotes are familiar but quoted wrong. For example, everybody says "Play it again, Sam." but the actual line from CASABLANCA is 'Play it, Sam. Play 'As Time Goes By.'

Here are the Top Ten quotes:

1 Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

2 I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.

3 You don't understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I could've been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am. ON THE WATERFRONT 1954

4 Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

5 Here's looking at you, kid.

6 Go ahead, make my day.

7 All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up.

8 May the Force be with you.

9 Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night.

10 You talking to me? TAXI DRIVER 1976

One of my personal favorites is from SMOKEY & THE BANDIT 1977 When asked why he's doing something, Burt Reynolds character replies, "For the fun, for the glory and for the money. But mostly for the money."

Now that's a quote I can live by.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Looking for answers

This is a digital photo that my friend Linda Morelli sent of her family's vacation to the Outer Banks. To my knowledge, it hasn't been altered or tampered with in any way.

In fact, Linda didn't even mention the unusual phenomenon about the picture. Me? I think it's pretty wild.

I mean, how appropriate is it that God asks you a question at the beginning of a new day?

I'm not implying that I have a direct connection to the Creator and I certainly don't presume to know Her mind. But I imagine this beautiful combination of light and gas and vapor is a challenge.

"Here's what I give you. What are you going to do with it?"